TEDx Pune is an independently organized TED event scheduled to happen on October 10th 2010 in Pune. TEDx Pune will take ideas worth sharing from Pune to the world, bring the city together through a simultaneously shared TED-like experience using live webcasting at 50+ educational institutions and spread ideas worth sharing to inspire better cities and citizenship . TEDx Pune is brought to the world by the Curator TEDx Pune along with Thought leaders and Philanthropists of Pune, Boards and CEO’s of Pune’s Companies, Educational Institutions, the TEDx Pune Team and the CIO Pune City. Ideas worth spreading to inspire better cities and citizenship will be nominated and then voted on this site for fit to inspire citizenship, novelty and ability to go viral. Short listed speakers will present ideas at a pre-TEDx event. The most effective TEDx ideas will repeat at the TEDx Pune event in front of a live audience of the winners of the Inspire Pune Challenge . You can participa...