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Excel BD Row

Sub ConnectSqlServer() Dim conn As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim sConnString As String Dim squery As String ' Create the connection string. sConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=RCHNLPT136\SQLEXPRESS2014;" & _ "Initial Catalog=ExpenseMgmt;" & _ "user id=sa;password=Welcome@123;" & _ "Integrated Security=SSPI;" ' Create the Connection and Recordset objects. Set conn = New ADODB.Connection Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset ' Open the connection and execute. conn.Open sConnString squery = "select " & _ " tb.TABLE_SCHEMA as TableSchema, tb.TABLE_NAME as TableName," & _ " sum(Case When DATA_TYPE = 'int' then 4 else 0 end + Case When DATA_TYPE = 'nvarchar' and CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH > 0 then CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH * 2 When DATA_TYPE = ...
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Table row Size

select tb.TABLE_SCHEMA as TableSchema, tb.TABLE_NAME as TableName, sum( Case When DATA_TYPE = 'int' then 4 else 0 end + Case When DATA_TYPE = 'nvarchar' and CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH > 0 then CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH * 2 When DATA_TYPE = 'nvarchar' and CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH 18 then 16 else 0 end + Case When DATA_TYPE = 'Numeric' and Numeric_Precision

OCR Services For Businesses

ABBYY FlexiCapture - The most comprehensive OCR SDK for software developers ABBYY FlexiCapture is the right choice for organizations seeking a client-side document processing software solution. This next-generation of intelligent, accurate and highly scalable data capture and document processing software provides a single entry point to automatically transform streams of different forms and documents of any structure and complexity into business-ready searchable data. With impressive automatic document classification and data capture features, ABBYY FlexiCapture helps organizations of any kind significantly increase efficiency by automating paper-based business processes. Click here for more

Athouk & Mohinga

Atho or Athouk . These consist of boiled noodles cooked with spices, shredded cabbage, onions, chili flakes, roasted channa dal powder, tamarind juice, bejo, garlic oil, coriander leaves and etc are the ingredients of Athouk. To give the dish a crunchy feel. This food also eaten with the accompaniment of Mohinga,a soup made with fish broth & plantain stem, onion, ginger, garlic, chili, turmeric and rice flour. It is an awesome combination. Mohinga , which is considered the unofficial Burmese national food. It is essentially rice noodles served in fish broth with fried onions, garlic, ginger and sliced tender core of plantain stem. If you ask for it, it will also be served with boiled eggs. It is essentially a soup meal and a delightful one at that. History: Many Tamils were settled in Burma then and slowly emigrated back here after Independence.Burmese people started migrating to India. Most of them arrived at the Chennai Port and used to leave for other smaller cities by ...

TEDx Pune

 TEDx Pune is an independently organized TED event scheduled to happen on October 10th 2010 in Pune. TEDx Pune will take ideas worth sharing from Pune to the world, bring the city together through a simultaneously shared TED-like experience using live webcasting at 50+ educational institutions and spread ideas worth sharing to inspire better cities and citizenship . TEDx Pune is brought to the world by the Curator TEDx Pune along with Thought leaders and Philanthropists of Pune, Boards and CEO’s of Pune’s Companies, Educational Institutions, the TEDx Pune Team and the CIO Pune City. Ideas worth spreading to inspire better cities and citizenship will be nominated and then voted on this site for fit to inspire citizenship, novelty and ability to go viral. Short listed speakers will present ideas at a pre-TEDx event. The most effective TEDx ideas will repeat at the TEDx Pune event in front of a live audience of the winners of the Inspire Pune Challenge . You can participa...


TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It began in 1984 as an annual conference devoted to Technology, Entertainment and Design -- hence TED -- but TED's reach, and its scope, have become ever broader since then. TEDTalks cover science, arts, politics, global issues, architecture, music and more. Speakers come from a wide variety of communities and disciplines -- people like Bill Clinton, Nobel laureate Murray Gell-Mann, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, and Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The TED Conference itself takes place in Long Beach each spring, with a simulcast event in Palm Springs. In 2009, we'll also host a summer conference in Oxford, UK, called TEDGlobal, as well as a conference in fall 2009 called TEDIndia, in Mysore, India. Anyone can apply to attend a TED Conference! If you want to come, apply for an invitation. More info here: